Blues News |
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Artikkelit: Kesäkuussa 2008 (Pete Hoppula) In memoriam - Ike Turner - Ura soololevytysten valossa, osa 3 (Pete Hoppula) Jeff healey (1966-2008) (Riku Metelinen) Jukka Juhola - Black River Bluesman (Maiju Lasola) The Nighthawks (Marko Aho) Bring back those doowops! Osa 81 - The Twilighters (Antero Tirronen) Puistoblues 2008 (Honey Aaltonen) Rauma Blues 2008 (Pete Hoppula) JP Sivonen (TT Tarkiainen) Blue Balls Roots & Bar Mendocinossa 12.4. (Miranda Lindqvist) Jo' Buddy (Kari Kempas) Papa George ja Big Joe Louis (TT Tarkiainen) John Primer (Kari Kempas) Bay Area blues news (Mari Bainer) Blues news from England (Norman Darwen) Yhä jytisee! Osa 11, mm. levyt Various: Jumpers' jivers and come alivers, Various: Most wild and frantic vol. 3, Various: Stompin' vol. 5 / Vol. 6 / Vol. 7 / Vol. 8 / Vol. 9 / Vol. 10 / Vol. 11 / Vol. 12 / Vol. 13, Various: Savage kick vol. 1 / Vol 2, Various: Constellation of Chicago soul, The Pastel Six: Cinnamon cinder, Various: B.M.T. special (Juhani Ritvanen) Base Blues 17.4. (Miranda Lindqvist) Uusia Suomessa saatavilla olevia blueslevyjä Muddy Lee Makkonen veroneuvojana (sarjakuva) Collector's classics: Various: Doo-wop collectors classics vol. 1 / Vol. 2 / vol. 3, Various: Moonlit memories vol. 1 / Vol. 2, The Malcolm Dodds story (Juhani Ritvanen) Ace'n kirikierros, osa 5: Roddy Jackson: Central Valley fireball, Various: The rockin' south, Randy & The Radiants: Memphis beat - The Sun recordings 1964-66, Roy “Boogie Boy” Perkins (Pete Hoppula, Juhani Ritvanen) Rod Piazza & the Mighty Flyers, Tukholma, Debaser Slussen 3.4. (Harri Haka) Levyarvostelut Eddy “The Chief” Clearwater: West Side strut (Pete Hoppula) Elmore James Jr.: Daddy gave me the blues (Pete Hoppula) North Mississippi All Stars: Hernando (aimo Ollikainen) The Mannish Boys: Lowdown feelin' (Harri Haka) Smokin' Joe Kubek & Benois King: Blood brother (Jari Kolari) Various: Ceepeevee Records - 10th year anniversary (Vesa Walamies) Phil Phillips: Sea of love (Juhani Ritvanen) Vulture Club: Road kill café (Mikke Nöjd) Stan Mosley: Man up (Juhani Laikkoja) Nellie ”Tiger” Davis: I'm a woman (Juhani Laikkoja) Marcia Ball: Peace, love & BBQ (Timo Tarkiainen) Whistle Bait: Switchin' with The Whistle Bait (Pete Hoppula) Cicero Blake: It's you I need (Juhani Laikkoja) Crosby Loggins And The Light: We all go home (Riku Metelinen) Sean Costello: We can get together (Matti Nuutinen) Chuck Berry: Johnny B. Goode, His complete '50's Chess recordings (Mikke Nöjd) Juurus-Texas: Akanvirta (Pokke Korhonen) Marvin Gaye: Here, my dear - Expanded edition (Aarno Alen) Bluesbone: Mean old dog (Pokke Korhonen) Gordon Mote: Don't let me miss the glory (Jari Salo) Various: Down home blues classics, Texas 1946-54 /Vesa Walamies) Joe Ely: Silver city (Antti Vainio) Major Lance: The story of, vol. 1 / Vol. 2 (Juhani Ritvanen) Deke Dickerson: King of the whole wild world (Marko Suutarla) The Regals: Bad luck soul (Honey Aaltonen) The British Blues All Stars: At Notodden Blues (Vesa Walamies) The Radio Kings: It ain't easy (Jari Kolari) Tomcat Courtney: Downsville blues (Matti Nuutinen) Various: Wattstax - Music from the Wattstax Festival and film (Aimo Ollikainen) Anthony Gomes: Music is the medicine (Antti Vainio) Alex Gomez: Outdoor kitchen (Pete Hoppula) Various: Let me be your sidetrack - The influence of Jimmie Rodgers (Marko Aho) Svensson & Dafgård: Rootation (Vesa Walamies) The Minor Blueband: Another soldier down (Katri Somerjoki) Various: It rocks on 20th Century Fox (Juhani Ritvanen) Judge Bone & Doc Hill: Big bear's gate (Pokke Korhonen) Various: Tennessee recordings - The George Mitchell collection (Vesa Walamies) Ray Collins Hot club: Lord oh Lord (Marko Suutarla) Leroy Carr: How long how long blues (Vesa Walamies) Bo Ramsey: Fragile (Riku Metelinen) Sami Pitkämö & UMO Jazzorchestra: Lauluja rakkaudesta ja vähän muustakin (Jari Salo) The Dovells: The best of / Cameo Parkway 1961-1965 (Antero Tirronen) Mark Selvy: Nine pound hammer (TT Tarkiainen) Vladimir Cetkar: We will never end (Jari Salo) Jessie Lee Miller: Now you're gonna be (Mikke Nöjd) John-Alex Mason: Town & country (Jari Kolari) Mike Sponza & The Cebc: Kakanic blues 2.0 (Riku Metelinen) Cosmo Jones Beat Machine: Belzeboogie (TT Tarkiainen) Eric Steckel: Feels like home (Pokke Korhonen) Various: Unforgotten yestardays (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Texas northside kings (Pete Hoppula) Walter Trout: The outsider (Pokke Korhonen) Pekka Myllykoski ja Jytäjemmarit: Minä ja Mårtenson / Mikko Löyttyniemi: Korkea aika (Honey Aaltonen) Patric Flynn: Good news (Riku Metelinen) Cherry Lee Mewis: Little girl blue (Pete Hoppula) Pekka Makkonen Band: Omakustanne (Pokke Korhonen) Thorbjör Risager: Here I am (Pete Hoppula) Danny Bryant's Redeyeband: Black and whit (Riku Metelinen) Benny And The Fly-By-Niters: Hey now! (Pete Hoppula) The Mississippi Marvel: The world must never know! (Pertti Nurmi) Mississippi Hear: Hattiesburg blues (Pertti Nurmi) Eric Gales: The story of my life (Pertti Nurmi) DVD pyöriköön!: Cactus: Live (Honey Aaltonen) The music and message of Curtis Mayfield & The Impressions - Movin' up (Aarno Alen) Various: Blues views (Juhani Laikkoja) Los Zafiros: Music from the edge of time DVD (J.M. Izquierdo) Marshall Crenshaw: On stage at World Café live (Riku Metelinen) Various: Doo wop / Vocal group greats live (Juhani Ritvanen) BN kirjahyllyllä: Nic Tosches: Helvetin tuli - Jerry Lee Lewisin tarina (Mikke Nöjd) David Cote: Jersey boys - The story of Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons - The original companion to the Broadway musical, Jersey boys (Jari Salo) Tiedot keräsi Juha Nummela |