Blues News |
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Artikkelit: Huhtikuussa 2001, Jalkapalloa - FC Blues News (Sami Ruokangas, Aimo Ollikainen) Earl Hooker - Muusikkojen muusikko (J-P Berg) Root 'n River bluestarjonta (Sami Ruokangas) Larry Garner keikalla Avignonissa (”Ice Cream” Anttila) Lee Shankey (Herra Raappahousu) Bay Area blues news (Maria Bainer) Blues news from England (Norman Darwen) Gino Washington (Pekka Talvenmäki) Bring back those doowops! Osa 72 - The 4Bars (Juhani Ritvanen) Motown memories osa 30 - The Satintones (Pekka Talvenmäki) Sitä sun tätä, mm. P. J. Proby, Loafers vai Depravers? The Moonglows (Hannu Nyberg, Vesa Walamies, Juhani Ritvanen) Teinipopin aatelisia, osa 7 - Eddie Rambeau (Pekka Talvenmäki) Tyttöjä tyrkyllä osa 5, mm. Various: Where the girls are, Poodle skirts an poni-tails vol. 3, Carole King, Kathy Linden (Juhani Ritvanen) Gospelin lumoissa - ja vähän muunkin, London Community Gospel Choir Tampereella (Jari Toivonen) Levyarvostelut Various: Superharps II : Carey Bell, Lazy Lester, Raful Neal, Snooly Pryor (Pertti Nurmi) Michael Coleman: Do your thing! (Pertti Nurmi) Freddie Waters: One step closer to the blues (Juhani Laikkoja) Luther Allison: Hand me down my moonshine (Vesa Walamies) Various: Hastings Street grease - Detroit blues is alive! Vol. 1 / Vol. 2 (Harri Suokas) The Griswolds: Cockeyed world (Pertti Nurmi) Robert Jr. Lockwood: Delta crossroads (Vesa Walamies) Jerry “Philadelphia” Ricks: Many miles of blues (Vesa Walamies) Sven Zetterberg: Let me get over it (Juhani Laikkoja) Johnny Rawls: Put your trust in me (Aarno Alen) Brownie McGhee: Omega - The final recordings (Vesa Walamies) Zora Young: Learned my lesson (Pertti Nurmi) Marva Wright: Marva (Aarno Alen) Maria Muldaur: Music for lovers (Aarno Alen) James Bolden: The legend vol. 3 (Pertti Nurmi) Various: Beatles blues (Aimo Ollikainen) Various: Georgia vocal groups (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Curiositets (Juhani Ritvanen) Sonny Parker: The complete 1948-53 (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: R&B guitars 1950-54 (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Itty bitty treasure chest vol. 4 (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Doo wop till you drop vol. 1 (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Yesterday's ratities vol. 3 (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Our turn to cry - 26 breathtaking Atlantic ballads (Aarno Alen) Various: Deep oul inferno (Juhani Ritvanen) Fred Hughes & His Groups: Send my baby back (Pekka Talvenmäki) Ana Popovic: Hish! / Jade Maze: My favourite color is blue / JW-Jones Blues Band: Defibrillatin' (Sami Ruokangas) The Spidedrivers: Delta roots (Vesa Walamies) Job Striles: Out of this world (Mikke Nöjd) Sandy Mack: That's what I'm talkin' 'bout (Mikke Nöjd) Dave Goodman: Roadbook rhymes / Hank Shizzoe: Hank Shizzoe (Kai Engren) Elvis Presley: The home recordings / That's the way it is - Special edition (Mika Hakala) Dino & The Heartspinners: Lost tapes (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: A love like yours - The songs that inspired Dusty Springfield (Aarno Alen) The Rockin' 8-Balls: Eight balls o'fire (Mikke Nöjd) Knucklebone Oscar: Songs from my heart (Mikke Nöjd) Big Bad Bears: Bluesmans's world (Mikke Nöjd) Francine: She bop / Fullahead (Mikke Nöjd) Whistle Bait: Bait's Motel (Mikke Nöjd) Whistle Bait: When the time stops (Mikke Nöjd) Hot Lips Page: Shoutin' the blues (Vesa Walamies) Various: Carnival day - Essiential New Orleans R&B (Juhani Ritvanen) Eric Clapton: Reptile / Stan Webb: Webb / John Mayall & Friends: Along for the ride (Sami Ruokangas) The Fabulons meets Connie McGill & the Visions (Juhani Ritvanen) The Graham Bond Organisation: The sound of '65 / There's a Bond between us (Vesa Walamies) Various: City of angels oldies vol. 3 (Juhani Ritvanen) Ervin Charles featuring Richard Earl: Greyhound blues (Aarno Alen) Various: Smooth, slow & easy soul gems (Juhani Ritvanen) Clyde Bernhardt: The complete recordings vol. 1 1945-48 / Vol. 2 1949-53 (Juhani Ritvanen) Johnny Nicholas & The Texas All-Stars: Rockin' my blues to sleep (Jari Kolari) Marvin Sease: Modern soulman (Juhani Ritvanen) Gary Moore: Back to blues (Sami Ruokangas) The Nightporters: Feelin' good (Sami Ruokangas) Elokuva-/Videosilmäys: Djangon jäljillä: Sweet and lowdown / Levy: Various: Music from the motion picture Sweet and lowdown (Markku Parviainen) Tiedot keräsi Juha Nummela |