Blues News |
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Artikkelit: Sunnuntaina kesäkuussa 1991 (Aimo Ollikainen) John Lee Hooker (Tapani Taka) Big Jay McNeely (Marko Tapio) New Orleans on musiikkimatkan väärtti (Matti Laipio) Mike Morgan & the Crawl (Pekka Laine) BN konserteissa, mm. Fats Domino 8.5., Drink Small 24.5. (Juhani Ritvanen) Bo Diddley (Marko Tapio) Alligator 20 vuotta (Pertti Nurmi) The Neville Brothers, osa 3 (Markku Pyykkönen) Blues-klassikoiden lähteillä osa 14: Elmore Jamesin takapirut (Vesaa Walamies) The Dynamics (Pekka Talvenmäki) Soul limbo? …eli pelinavaus lajin instrumentaaleihin (Marko Tapio) Eddie Hinton (Pekka Talvenmäki) In memoriam: Kuusitoista kuollutta miestä, mm. Buck Ram, Slim Gaillard, Al Sears, Dee Clark, Lafayette Leake, Bobby Day, Thurston Harris, ZuZu Bolin, Bill Webb, Lee Rogers, Ronnie Dyson, Lester Williams, James Cleveland, Albert Järvinen, Simon Napier (Marko Tapio, Juhani Ritvanen, Vesa Walamies) BN:n lukulamppu, mm. Laurence J. Hyman & Stephen Green: Going to Chicago a year on The Chicago blues scene, Peter Guralnick: Searchin' for Robert Johnson, William Barlow: Looking up at down - The Emergence blues culture, Charlotte Greig: Will you still love me tomorrow? Girl groups from the 50's on, Gaylen Gart & Roy C. Ames: Duke / Peacock Records - An illustrated history with discography (Maria Bainer, Marko Tapio, Juhani Ritvanen) Levyarvostelut Amos Milburn: Blues and boogie - His greatest hits (Marko Tapio) The Velvets: Tonight (Marko Tapio) Bo Diddley: The Chess box (Marko Tapio) The Cookies: Don't say nothin' bad about the Cookies (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Turn back the clock (Juhani Ritvanen) Big Jack Johnson: Daddy, when is mama comin' home (Vesa Walamies) Big Jay McNeely & The Ronnie Mack Band: Welcome to California (Marko Tapio) James Carr: Take me to the limit (Juhani Ritvanen) Buddy Ace: Root doctor (Maria Bainer) Mighty Joe Young: The legacy of the blues vol. 4 (Vesa Walamies) Jimmy Witherspoon: Blowin' in from Kansas City (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Memorial album for Joe E. Ross - The Big itch vol. 2 (Marko Tapio) Larry Johnson: Railroad man (Vesa Walamies) Vaughan Brothers: Family Style (Mikke Nöjd) Bobby “Blue” Bland: The “3B” Blues Boy - The blues years 1952-1959 (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Big beautiful guitars - 20 gyrattin' rockabilly sensations (Marko Tapio) Canned Heat: Live ar the Turku Rock Festival (Vesa Walamies) Various: The big rumble (Marko Tapio) Various: Stompin' vol. 2 (Juhani Ritvanen) Flashbacksliders: Let's go rockin' tonight (Mikke Nöjd) Johnny Powers: Can't resist thet rock'n'roll (Marko Tapio) Richard Newell aka King Biscuit Boy (Vesa Walamies) Tyrone Davis: I'll always love you / Yvonne Jackson: I'm trouble / Louis Freeman: Listen to my heart (Pekka Talvenmäki) Sammy Price and The Blues Singers (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: The rarest of the rare (Juhani Ritvanen) The Legendary Stardust Cowboy: Paralyzed (Marko Tapio) To the memory of Van McCoy (Pekka Talvenmäki) Little Esther: Better beware (Marko Tapio) Wanderers: The best of (Juhani Ritvanen) Tiedot keräsi Juha Nummela |