Blues News |
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Artikkelit: Suuri bluestietokilpailu Sää tänään (Pertti Nurmi) Motown memories, osa 16a - The Temptations, osa 1 (Pekka Talvenmäki) Chicago blues news (Dick Shurman) Joe Louis Walker & The Bosstalkers (Päivi Wuorio) Bring back those doowops! Osa 56 - The Chantels (Juhani Ritvanen) Blues news from England (Norman Darwen) BN harrastaa kirjallisuutta, mm. Ted Fox: Showtime at the Apollo, Bruce Crowther & Mike Pinfold: The jazz singers from ragtime to the new wave (Aimo Ollikainen) CD - Compact disc -palsta, Honey B. & The T-Bones: Ninety nine (Seppo Elonen), Katie Webster: The Swamp boogie queen (Pertti Nurmi), Elvin Bishow: Big fun (Pertti Nurmi) Roy Orbison in memoriam (Esa Elgström) Levyarvostelut Ted Taylor: Somebody's always trying (Juhani Ritvanen) Bill Browning (T. J. Malin) Toni Harper: Candy store blues (Juhani Ritvanen) Barbara Lynn: You don't have to go (Juhani Ritvanen) Red Prysock: Rock'n'roll (Juhani Ritvanen) Tiny Topsy: Aw! Shucks baby (Juhani Ritvanen) Big Jay McNeely: Big J in 3-D (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Big Band Blues (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Dynamite doo wopps, vol. 5 (Juhani Ritvanen) Five Royales: Dedicated to you / Sing for you / Five Royales (Juhani Ritvanen) Various: Music City Records - California doo wop sound from Bay Area 1954-61 (Juhani Ritvanen) Pee Wee Crayton: After hours boogie (Juhani Ritvanen) Memphis Slim: Blues my own way 1951-54 (Juhani Ritvanen) Little Esther: I paid my dues (Juhani Ritvanen) Mighty Sam: Nothing but the truth (Juhani Ritvanen) Eddie Taylor: Stormy Monday (Seppo Elonen) Lou's Blues Revue: Come out & play (Seppo Elonen) Marylin Scott/Mary Deloatch: I got what my daddy likes (Juhani Ritvanen) Lula Reed: I'm fone, yes I'm gone (Juhani Ritvanen) Magic Slim: Live at B.L.U.E.S. (Timo Pöyhönen) Mitch Woods & His Rocket 88's: Steady date / Mr. Boogie's back in town (Seppo Elonen) Cootie Williams: Echoes of Harlem (Juhani Ritvanen) The Sensations: Let me in/Music music music (Juhani Ritvanen) Tom Principato: Smokin' / I know what you're thinkin' (Seppo Elonen) The Rangers: Urali twist (Seppo Elonen) Various: 10th anniversary anthology: Vol. 1 (Vesa Walamies) Sippie Wallace with Otis Spann & Jim Kweskin Jug Band (Vesa Walamies) Yank Rachell: Chicago style (Vesa Walamies) K. C. Douglas: Big road blues / Scrapper Blackwell: Mr. Scrapper's blues (Pertti Nurmi) Chuck Guillory: The Rhythm Boys: Grand Texas (Vesa Walamies) Ruth Brown: Have a good time (Maria Bainer) Margie Joseph: Stay / Billy Paul: Wide open (Heikki Suosalo) James & Bobby Purify: 100% purified soul / Oscar Toney Jr: Papa Don's preacher / Mighty Sam: Nothing but the truth (Pekka Talvenmäki) Sonny Thompson: Cat on the keys (Juhani Ritvanen) Ivory Joe Hunter: Sixteen of his all-time hits (Juhani Ritvanen) Slave: “88” (Seppo Elonen) Shakatak: Manic & cool (Pirkka Kivenheimo) Sade: Stronger than pride (Pirkka Kivenheimo) Was (Not Was): What up, dog? (Pirkka Kivenheimo) Herbie Hancock: Perfect machine (Pirkka Kivenheimo) Anthony & The Camp : Suspense (Ismo Tenkanen) Tiedot keräsi Juha Nummela |